Physical ailments can arise when you don’t pursue cherished dreams and values.

Are you sick all the time without your doctors finding why? Do you have low energy while all your blood tests, radiology, and physical exams are normal?

There are numerous explanations for ill health, most of them physiological. But one frequently-overlooked factor is the failure to pursue cherished goals, to follow your proverbial “heart’s desire.” The emotional distress of this failure to act can cause physical symptoms in some people.

A good example is my own:

When I was 30 years old, my parents wanted me to get married and continue working at my private medical practice in Fresnes, a suburb of Paris, France. My own dream was to travel and work all over the world. When my boyfriend who was an accountant, proposed while looking for a new job abroad, I was ecstatic. We started dreaming together about what our life would be in a different country and the house we would rent.

We got married and my new husband moved into my little apartment with me and soon after, accepted a new job in… Paris, France! My dreams were shattered. It didn’t help that soon afterwards, my husband tried to fix the radiator and in doing so, flooded my apartment.