by Chris Gilbert | Oct 5, 2019 | Featured, Homepage, Psychology Today
What wildlife, politics, pain, and relationships have in common. The lessons of the Simplicity Trap—pursuing obvious and simple, but dangerously wrong connections—can be applied to almost everything in life, from politics to health to relationships. The...
by Chris Gilbert | Aug 17, 2019 | Featured, Homepage, Psychology Today
Five most dangerous common drugs and what to watch out for Medications are prescribed to save lives, yet medications can be extremely dangerous and bring people to the emergency room with life-threatening problems. The same medications that can save our lives...
by Chris Gilbert | Jul 27, 2019 | Featured, Homepage, Psychology Today
Use the new NOVA classification of foods to shed a few pounds. There are many different diets out there to help people lose weight but some of them are complicated. Is there a simple and healthy way to weight loss? An effective way to lose weight is to use the NOVA...
by Chris Gilbert | Mar 28, 2019 | Featured, Homepage, Psychology Today
The inside scoop only a physician could tell you. Medical privacy is very important in medicine and as doctors keep your problems confidential, they often also keep their problems a secret to the outside world. Here are 5 secrets doctors don’t want to reveal and how...
by Chris Gilbert | Mar 15, 2019 | Featured, Homepage, Psychology Today
When believing what we want to believe has life or death consequences Believing what want to believe can have life or death consequences. We will take 4 examples: Ebola virus infection, vaccinations, cancer treatments, and diet. Some people believe what...