A quantum physics analogy to quantum emotions.


Physicists talk about quantum physics, quantum mechanics, quantum entanglement, quantum computing but what if we could, by analogy, apply the quantum physics theory to our mind and talk about quantum emotions? What if a quantum emotion theory could explain how to get out of depression and into experiencing happiness?

Here is how we can get from quantum physics to happiness:

What is Quantum Physics?

“An example of quantum physics is a quantum particle that is in a state of superposition such that it occupies multiple locations at the same time. If we chose to measure exactly where the particle is at a specific moment, the several probabilities of location collapse and we only see the one location we are measuring at that time,” says Alan Chodos, research professor of physics at the University of Texas, Arlington.

This example underscores two important principles of quantum physics: Objects can be in many places at once but stop being in many places the instant you try to observe the quantum object.

Another example of quantum physics, more difficult to understand, is Schrödinger’s cat, which can be simultaneously both alive and dead depending on the subatomic succession of events that may or may not happen.

Now instead of applying the quantum theory to a particle or a cat, let’s do a thought experiment and apply the quantum theory to our mind.


The Connection Between Quantum Physics and Our Mind

By analogy to the quantum physics theory, let’s explore our minds and emotions.

  • The quantum theory says we can have superpositioned elements. The analogy becomes superpositioned feelings: We have inside of us at the same time happiness, joy, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, frustration, hope, and many other possible feelings and emotions.
  • But if we choose to focus on one of the feelings, the other ones disappear. If we choose to focus on our sadness, our happiness will disappear, but if we choose to focus on happiness, our sadness will be in the background because we can’t focus on both feelings at the same time.

So, let’s practice.


The Quantum Way to Happiness

Here is my own example:

When I lost my mom less than a year ago, I was full of sadness. There was no room for a happy feeling. So, I let myself experience sadness and cried a lot. I cried not only because of the loss of the mother I loved so much but also because of the loss of my safety net. Even though I knew my mother was 96 years old and getting really old and fragile, I always saw her as a person (and a house) I could go to if I ever was in trouble. But that old safety net was gone. I had to bury mom and sell her house. I had to build a new safety net.

So, at the beginning of this year 2020, I decided to let go of my sadness (I had cried enough) and to focus on happiness. I rebuilt a safety net with my husband and that got us even closer together than ever before. I decided to look at everything in life with the lens of happiness and love.

I am now making a conscious choice to direct my neurons and their synapses into happiness and love and in doing so, my sadness, anger, and fear disappear.


I am not the only one wanting to apply the quantum physics theory to the human mind.


The Quantum Physics Theory Inspired Others

For example, in Quantum Healing, Deepak Chopra describes how a higher level of consciousness and energy (all around the body and not limited to the body) can help healing.

And Bruza and Whang, writing about quantum cognition in Trends in cognitive sciences (2015) explain how—as long as we don’t make any decision—we have endless possibilities in front of us, but those possibilities disappear once we make a decision to pursue a specific course.

But is it possible, when it comes to the mind, emotions, and behaviors, that quantum physics is much more than an analogy for how our brains work, but actually part of what determines how we think, feel, and behave?

Quite possibly.

Recently, neuroscientists and physicists have begun to explore ways that our brains, at least in part, function as quantum machines.

For instance, quantum brain, quantum mind, and quantum consciousness are cited in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy which explains how the quantum physics theory applied to superpositioned neurons and synapses could explain consciousness. And Sir Roger Penrose’s book, The Emperor’s New Mind, hypothesizes that quantum mechanics plays an important role in understanding what human consciousness is.

So, whether or not quantum mechanics is crucial to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we have a decision to make between happiness and sadness, between love and hatred, between joy and depression. For me, I chose happiness, joy, and love.


What About you?

Can you at the beginning of this new year, let go of your sadness, anger, fear, frustration, depression, or hatred and focus on happiness and love?